Performance Task Assessment (Intermediate) dates for Ford Elementary are February 25 and 26, 2025. (selected students)
Performance Task Assessment (Primary) dates for Ford Elementary are March 3 and 4, 2025. (selected students)

Good afternoon,
The Segra fiber connection for LCSD55 has been restored. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Have a good weekend!

SIC Title 1 Planning Committee Meeting
January 29, 2025
The mission of Ford Elementary School is to empower and inspire all to be educated and informed.
● Welcome, Sign-in: Approval of December Minutes
● Goals for the 2024-2025 school year:
■ The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready ELA will increase from 23.1% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.
■ The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready Math will increase from 25% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.
■ All other students will improve performance on ELA and Math SCREADY/MAP/FastBridge assessments by at least 10%. Students who are performing at the highest proficiency level will maintain their scores.
■ Climate Goal: The school report card rating for School Climate will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.
■ ML Progress Goal: The school report card rating for Multilingual Learners’ Progress will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.
● Turnaround Plan:
● Approved by School Board 1-27-25
○ Progress on Goals:
● Title I
● 21st Century After-School Program/Attendance Recovery
● Awards Programs for First Semester
● Upcoming Events
○ WPEC Principal PD Day - January 30
○ Reading All Stars Program - January 27
○ Interim Reports - February 4
○ Preschool Registration - February 4-6
○ Safety Committee Meeting - Feb. 6 at 8:15
○ Black History Month - February
○ Valentine’s parties - February 14
○ Professional Development Day - February 17 (
○ 5th Grade Recruitment Concert - February 18
○ Black History Month Celebration Lunch - February 20
● Future meeting dates: All meetings will be held at 3:30
○ February 26
○ March 26
○ April 30
○ May 21 (if needed)
NEXT MEETING: February 26th at 3:30

SIC Title 1 Planning Committee Meeting
January 29, 2025
The mission of Ford Elementary School is to empower and inspire all to be educated and informed.
In Attendance: Brook England, Chelsea Marino, Elizabeth Green, Chris Wzorek, Kim Penland
Absent: Charlene Davenport, Sandy Molina, Patsy Taylor, Clyde Scott, and Elisabeth Carroll
● Welcome, Sign-in: BE Welcomes and greets everyone
● Approval of December Minutes: EG reads Dec. minutes bc she sat in as Secretary (for CM being absent) BE Motion to approve: PM makes a motion to approve, and CW seconds it.
● Goals for the 2024-2025 school year: BE reviews below goals
■ The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready ELA will increase from 23.1% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.
■ The percentage of students scoring Meets or Exceeds on SC Ready Math will increase from 25% in 2024 to 35% in 2025.
■ All other students will improve performance on ELA and Math SCREADY/MAP/FastBridge assessments by at least 10%. Students who are performing at the highest proficiency level will maintain their scores.
■ Climate Goal: The school report card rating for School Climate will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.
■ ML Progress Goal: The school report card rating for Multilingual Learners’ Progress will improve from Unsatisfactory in 2024 to Average or above in 2025.
● Turnaround Plan: BE reviews the turnaround plan, blue font explains how we are working to meet that goal.
○ Approved by School Board 1-27-25
○ Progress on Goals: CW asked where the scores were. EG goes to get her TAP satchel and show him her class data scores. BE explained , CW asks: Why and how do you go about teaching them things I think they should have known…for example How many feet are in a mile? etc. BE & EG explained the MAP tests are broken down into RIT and have learning targets/ objectives needed to know for each RIT band. Explain you have to go to the state because they set the standards and rules for Education. Standards and programs change because of adapting to the new technology and changes in education due to the population.
○ BE explains Cluster teachers meet weekly and we are working on Parts of a lesson plan and small group instruction. 2nd Round of observations have started using the rubric from the state and each teacher gets graded by a member of the ILT and they also grade themselves and they meet to discuss a reinforcement and refinement.
○ CM & BE explain We look at data sheets and discuss why so many are low. We explain how the MTSS process looks at each individual child and why they are/aren’t growing and set a specific plan to try to help and we meet every 4-6 weeks to reassess.
○ Thinking MAPS training just completed in January to prepare for Write from the beginning training in February to help with breaking down how to think, plan, and write. Discuss The Big 5 test taking strategies.
○ Need for teacher to identify needs/maintenance issues-working on a google form.
● Title I -BE still working with ILT and DILT using that money to get the things needed for our school and students.
● 21st Century After-School Program/Attendance Recovery: BE Serving about 20 students in Afterschool & started Attendance recovery by Mrs. Jones
● Awards Programs for First Semester: BE we had to reschedule some grade levels due to last week's weather (Early dismissal, snow day, & 2 hour delay) for 4th, SPED, and 5k.
● Upcoming Events: BE and Penland
○ WPEC Principal PD Day - January 30- KP presenting
○ Reading All Stars Program - January 27-February 28- Read to earn a free game ticket for the student. Teachers and students get to go to the field to be recognized.
○ Interim Reports - February 4
○ Preschool Registration - February 4-6
○ Safety Committee Meeting - Feb. 6 at 8:15 (adjusted due to weather week)
○ Black History Month - February
○ Valentine’s parties - February 14 (to be celebrated at the end of the day)
○ Professional Development Day - February 17 (Write from the beginning training)
○ 5th Grade Recruitment Concert - February 18
○ Black History Month Celebration Lunch - February 20
● MOTION TO ADJOURN: EG made a motion, and PM seconded it.
● Future meeting dates: All meetings will be held at 3:30
○ February 26
○ March 26
○ April 30
○ May 21 (if needed)
NEXT MEETING: February 26th at 3:30

LCSD 55 is experiencing intermittent internet connectivity due to a major Segra fiber cut in the state. We ask your patience and understanding during this time. A notification will go out once the fiber cut is repaired. Thank you and have a good day!

Outside calling has been restored for Laurens County School District 55. Thank you for your patience and understanding during this time. Have a good day!

Good morning,
AT&T has an outage currently. This outage causes no outside calling in our district. You will still receive incoming calls and you can call district extensions. You cannot call any 10 digit numbers at this time. We will update you on the progress routinely.

Yearbook pre-sales will begin today. All orders are due by March 14th. The cost is $20. Online orders can be placed by using the link below:

***Due to the 2 hour delay tomorrow, we will have to reschedule the 4K, Crimmins, and 4th grade awards programs.***
We will carry on with the 5th, 3rd, and 2nd grade awards programs.

Very Important: Due to weather conditions, our schools and offices are closed on January 22, 2025. We will send information at a later time regarding the makeup day. Please stay safe.

🌐 October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month! 🔒
This month, let’s prioritize our online safety and security. Every day, we rely on technology for work, communication, and entertainment, making it crucial to protect our personal information.
Key Tips:
Use Strong Passwords: Create unique, complex passwords for different accounts.
Stay Updated: Regularly update your software and devices to patch security vulnerabilities.
Think Before You Click: Be cautious with email links and attachments to avoid phishing scams.
Secure Your Wi-Fi: Protect your home network with a strong password and encryption.
Educate Yourself and Others: Share knowledge about cybersecurity best practices with friends and family.
Let’s work together to build a safer digital environment! Remember, your online security is in your hands. 💻✨

Regular school attendance is essential to student achievement and engagement. Each day a child is in school creates positive academic experiences, builds strong relationships, and results in more opportune learning outcomes. Schools can nurture strong cultures of engagement when everyone (including teachers, parents, students, and community members) recognizes that "it still takes a village" to prepare children for success in school, work, and life!

Segra experienced a fiber cut that has impacted Laurens County School District 55. All internet access for the school district is currently out of service. We do not have an estimated time for the outage. We apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you!

Parent/Teacher Conferences will begin Thursday, August 29th, which is a Half Day for students. Friday, August 30this a student holiday.
We are looking forward to our parent-teacher conferences at the end of the month. Parents and guardians, please mark your calendars

2024-2025 Calendario Modificado
2024-2025 Modified Calendar

It is Graduation Day!
We offer two options to view today's graduation online.
L55 YouTube channel:
L55 Facebook page:

Dear LCSD 55 Family,
Potential Threat to Laurens Middle School Deemed Nonexistent
Yesterday evening, authorities were alerted to a potential threat against Laurens Middle School, allegedly discussed by a group of juveniles and overheard by one juvenile who reported it to authorities. Following a thorough investigation, no evidence supporting these claims was found during a search of the residence of the alleged juvenile who was said to have made the threat.
However, in the early hours of the morning at around 2:30 AM, the FBI notified the LPD of a fake social media account circulating a bomb threat targeting Laurens Middle School. Rapid coordination between uniform patrol officers, school resource officers (SRO’s), and command staff, facilitated by the invaluable assistance of the FBI, swiftly led to the apprehension of the perpetrator.
The individual responsible for the hoax, a juvenile student of Laurens Middle School, has been detained. Their identity remains anonymous due to their status as a minor. They have confessed to fabricating the threat(s), affirming that there is no genuine danger to the school, its students, or the wider community.
To ensure utmost safety, the Laurens Police Department, in collaboration with Laurens County School District 55 Administration and Laurens Middle School staff, conducted a thorough search of Laurens Middle School this morning. The investigation concluded that there are no present threats to the school or its occupants.
In light of this incident, heightened security measures have been implemented across the district to reassure students, parents, and staff of their safety and well-being. School will commence at normal time without any deviation.
This notification underscores our commitment to transparency and our unwavering dedication to addressing and neutralizing potential threats swiftly and effectively. The juvenile perpetrator has been removed from the school and will face charges through the South Carolina Department of Juvenile Justice, where he/she is currently being housed.
Laurens County School District 55 would like to thank the Laurens Police Department for their coordinated efforts and swift response to ensure the safety of our children, staff, and schools. For further inquiries, please contact Captain Heath Copeland of the Laurens Police Department or Jody Penland with Laurens County School District 55.

We are experiencing another network outage with Segra. We do not have a timeline for restoration. Thank you for your patience in this matter. Have a good day!

The district fiber connection was restored overnight. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter. Have a great day!

We are experiencing a second outage with our Segra Fiber Connectivity. We do not currently have an estimated outage restoration time. Thank you for your patience and understanding.