Title I Information

As you see from the heading, our school qualifies as a school-wide Title I school.  This means that the school receives services and materials in addition to what is provided by the school district. Title I funds are provided through the federal government.  During the spring of last year, the school staff and the School Improvement Council reviewed the needs of the school and made recommendations for serving our students.  This year, our school will benefit from the following additional resources:

  • Reading Tutor

  • Class Size Reduction

  • Parenting Coordinator/Community Liaison 

  • Instructional Materials and Supplies

  • Summer School/Afterschool Supplies and Tutoring

  • Professional Development

  • Fieldtrips 

If you would like to make any comments or suggestions about the Parent Involvement Policy, Parent/Student/Teacher/Principal Compact, or anything else about how we can better serve our children, a suggestion/comment box is located in the main office.

Thank you!